- In Exchange System Manager, right-click the information store that you want to defragment, and then click Dismount Store. (you probably want to tell people the server will be offline for several hours depending on the size of the datastore and speed of the server)
- Make a backup copy of the files in the mailstore directory somewhere safe!
- C:\program files\exchsrvr\bin> eseutil /d c:\progra~1\exchsrvr\mdbdata\priv1.edb
Note: eseutil.exe will create the temp files in the current working directory, make sure you have 110% of the file size you are working on as free space in this partition.
Note: On our server the pub1.edb (1.7GB) took 5 minutes to defrag and the priv1.edb (31GB) took about 2 hours